Volunteers planting an olive sapling

About Faz3a

Who We Are

Faz3a (فزعة, pronounced faz'a) is a colloquialism for reinforcement and directly coming to someone's aid at time of need, and is a long Palestinian tradition of coming to the rescue of communities en masse in the face of outside threats.

Alongside the genocide in Gaza, Palestinians in the West Bank are experiencing an unprecedented spike in violent attacks and abuse perpetrated by both Israeli settlers and the Israeli army, often working in cohort. The Faz3a campaign is a Palestinian led initiative to answer the dire need for – and organize – on the ground international civil protection from Israeli violence in light of these circumstances. It is based in, and enjoys the support of Palestinian civil society in the West Bank, from across the political spectrum.

Our Mission

  • To build a strong international solidarity network with a strong capacity for action and effectiveness.
  • To mobilize a mass presence of internationals on the ground, providing direct protection for Palestinians, under local Palestinian guidance.
  • To build, rehabilitate and reinforce Palestinian capacity for sumud (holding on to the land), and for regaining ground which was lost to Israeli violence, in the most literal sense possible.


The campaign is organized by a nonpartisan coalition of veteran Palestinian activists, youth activists, students and more from across the West Bank on a national level, and has local coordination groups wherever protection work is being done. It is committed to build on past organizing and mobilization experience, but find fresh ways to counter the exponential rise in unchecked Israeli violence. This violence, enacted with complete impunity, has grown to become a central pillar of Israel's policy of settler-colonialism, and a menacing threat for Palestinian communities. Since October 7, such violence was the direct cause for multiple fatalities and the ethnic cleansing of at least 18 Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

Faz3a is based on the realization that under the current state of affairs, Palestinians are in need of external international civil protection, and that it is the role of international civil society to act. Faz3a is not a charitable organization. Our campaign is rooted in the understanding that movement building – both Palestinian and international – is essential at this current moment of devastation.

Join Us in Palestine

Now more than ever, international solidarity, here on the ground, is essential for Palestinians in the West Bank to be able to confront Israeli violence. Come join us in Palestine!